- A. Salvadori, C. Bonanno, M. Serpelloni, R.M. McMeeking, (2024), On the generation of force required for actin-based motility., Scientific Reports, 14:18384, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-69422-3.
- S. Esmizadeh, L. Cabras, M. Serpelloni, T. Dev, V. Oancea, E. Knobbe, M. Lachner, A. Salvadori, (2024), A review on modeling of nucleation and growth of Li dendrites in solid electrolytes, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 97, Part B, 112897, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2024.112897.
- Yildiz, E.; Serpelloni, M.; Salvadori, A.; Cabras, L. (2024) A Comparative Review of Models for All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries. Batteries, 10, 150. https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries10050150
- M. Serpelloni, S. Esamizadeh, M.Berlato, E. Yildiz, M. Bastanfar, N. Valizadeh, A. Salvadori, L.Cabras, (2024) Chapter MECHANICS OF BATTERIES. In V. Silberschmidt (ed), Comprehensive Mechanics of Materials, Section 6: Mechanics of Functional Materials and Biomaterials, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90646-3.00038-1
- M. Serpelloni, M. Arricca, C. Ravelli, E. Grillo, S. Mitola, A. Salvadori (2023), Mechanobiology of the relocation of proteins in advecting cells: modeling, experiments, and simulations, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-023-01717-2
- C. Bonanno, M. Serpelloni, M. Arricca, R.M. McMeeking, A. Salvadori (2023), Actin based motility unveiled: How chemical energy is converted into motion, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 105273, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2023.105273
- M. Arricca, L. Cabras, M. Serpelloni, C. Bonanno, R.M. McMeeking, A. Salvadori (2023), A coupled model of transport-reaction-mechanics with trapping. Part II - Large strain analysis, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Available online 4 September 2023, 105425, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2023.105425
- T. Dev, J.L. Schaefer, A. Salvadori (2023), The impact of lithiated active binder on Li-ion battery charge-discharge and rate capability. Part II: Mesoscale modeling of LCO based Half-cell. , Journal of Energy Storage, in press
- T. Dev, J.L. Schaefer, A. Salvadori (2023), The impact of ionomeric active binder on Li-ion battery charge-discharge and rate capability, Part I: Electrolyte, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 68, 107581
- Cabras L, Serpelloni M and Salvadori A (2022), Electro-chemo-mechanics of solid state batteries with lithium plating and stripping. Front. Mater. 9:1052617. doi: 10.3389/fmats.2022.1052617
- Serpelloni, M. Arricca, M.; Bonanno, C.; Salvadori, A.; Chemo-transport-mechanics in advecting membranes. International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 181, 1 December 2022, 103746. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijengsci.2022.103746
- H. Haftbaradaran, S. Esmizadeh, A. Salvadori, Competing effects of current density and viscoplastic deformation on the critical conditions for dendrite growth into solid-state lithium battery electrolytes, International Journal of Solids and Structures Volumes 254-255, 1 November 2022, 111852
- Arricca, M.; Salvadori, A.; Bonanno, C.; Serpelloni, M. Modeling Receptor Motility along Advecting Lipid Membranes. Membranes 2022, 12, 652. https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes12070652
- Magri M., Boz B., Cabras L., Salvadori A., Quantitative investigation of the influence of electrode morphology in the electro-chemo-mechanical response of Li-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 405, 10 February 2022, 139778
- Cabras, L., Oancea, V., Danilov, D., Subber, W., Salvadori A., A two-mechanism and multiscale compatible approach for solid state electrolytes of (Li-ion) batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 48, April 2022, 103842
- Buket Boz, Tanmay Dev, Alberto Salvadori, Jennifer L. Schaefer, (2021) Review: Electrolyte and Electrode Designs for Enhanced Ion Transport Properties to Enable High Performance Lithium Batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 168, Number 9 090501
- Buket Boz, Hunter O. Ford, Alberto Salvadori, Jennifer L. Schaefer, (2021) Porous Polymer Gel Electrolytes Influence Lithium Transference Number and Cycling in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Electron. Mater. 2021, 2, 154-173.
- Ansari, M.A., Abdi Behnagh, R. & Salvadori, A. Numerical analysis of high-speed water jet spot welding using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 112, 491-504 (2021).
- M.Serpelloni, M.Arricca, C.Bonanno, A. Salvadori, (2021) Modeling cells spreading, motility, and receptors dynamics: a general framework, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37(6), 1013-1030.
- Fantoni F., Morini L., Bacigalupo A., Paggi M., The generalized Floquet-Bloch spectrum for periodic thermodiffusive layered materials, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 194, 106178 (2021)
- G. Bordiga, L. Cabras, A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni. "Dynamics of prestressed elastic lattices: Homogenization, instabilities, and strain localization", Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 146, 104198. (2021)
- Fantoni F., Bacigalupo A., Wave propagation modeling in periodic elasto-thermo-diffusive materials via multifield asymptotic homogenization, International Journal of Solids and structures 196-197 (2020) 99-128
- Serpelloni M., Arricca M., Damioli V., Ravelli C., Grillo E., Mitola S. Salvadori A., A model of integrin and VEGF receptors recruitment on endothelial cells, in "Development and novel approaches in biomechanics and metamaterials" (2020)
- Fantoni F., Bacigalupo A., Paggi M., Reinoso J., A phase field approach for damage propagation in periodic mictrostructured materials, International Journal of Fracture (2019), ISSN:0022-5096, doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.03.024, 1-24
- L. Cabras, M. Brun, D. Misseroni, Micro-structured medium with tunable coefficient of thermal expansion, Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2019) (Under review)
- G. Bordiga, L. Cabras, A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni, Prestress tuning of negative refraction and wave channeling from flexural sources, Applied Physics Letters 114 (2019) 041901
- G. Bordiga, L. Cabras, D. Bigoni, A. Piccolroaz, Free and forced wave propagation in a Rayleigh-beam grid: flat bands, Dirac cones, and vibration localization vs isotropization", International Journal of Solids and Structures 161 (2019) 64-81
- A. Salvadori, P. Wawrzynek, F. Fantoni, Fracture propagation in brittle materials as a standard dissipative process: effective crack tracking algorithms based on a viscous regularization, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 127 (2019) 221-238
- Fantoni F., Bacigalupo A., Paggi M., Design of thermo-piezoelectric microstructured bending actuators via multi-field asymptotic homogenization, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 146-147 (2018) 319-336.
- Agnelli S., Baldi F., Bignotti F., Salvadori A., Peroni I., Fracture characterization of hyperelastic polyacrylamide hydrogels, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 203 (2018) 54-65
- Krairi A., Matous K, Salvadori A., A poro-viscoplastic constitutive model for granular materials at finite strains, International Journal of Solids and Structures 135 (2018) 289-300,
- Salvadori A., McMeeking R., Grazioli D., Magri M., A coupled model of transport-reaction-mechanics with trapping. Part I - small strain analysis, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2018), 114, 1-30
- Salvadori A., Damioli V., Ravelli C., Mitola S., "Modeling and Simulation of VEGF Receptors Recruitment in Angiogenesis," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 4705472, 10 pages, 2018.
- Subber, W., Salvadori, A., Lee, S., Matous, K, Uncertainty quantification of the reverse Taylor impact test and localized asynchronous space-time algorithm, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1979, art. no. 140005.(2018)
- Fantoni F., Bacigalupo A., Paggi M., Multi-field asymptotic homogenization of thermo-piezoelectric materials with periodic microstructure, Onternational Journal of Solids and Structures 120 (2017) 31-56.
- Damioli V., Ravelli C., Mitola S., Salvadori A., Beretta G.P., (2017) Chemo-mechanical-transport model of VEGFR2 driven by pro-angiogenic factors, Scientific Reports 7, Article number:16700 doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16786-4.
- Salvadori A., Lee S., Gillman A., Matous K., Shuck C., Mukasyan A., Beason M., Gunduz I.E., Son S.F. (2017) Numerical and experimental analysis of the Young's modulus of cold compacted powder materials, Mechanics of Materials, 112, 56-70.
- Zammarchi M., Fantoni F., Salvadori A., Wawrzynek P., (2017) "High Order Boundary and Finite Elements for 3D Fracture Propagation in Brittle Materials", Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 315 550-583.
- Grazioli, D., Magri,M., Salvadori A.,(2016), "Computational modeling of Li-ion batteries", Computational Mechanics, Review Article, Vol. 58, Issue 6, pp 889–909
- Nikolskiy D., Zammarchi M., Mogilevskaya S.G., Salvadori A.,(2016), "Three-dimensional BEM analysis of stress state near a crack-borehole system", Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 73, pp 133-143
- Salvadori A., Fantoni F., (2016), "Fracture propagation in brittle materials as a standard dissipative process: general theorems and crack tracking algorithms", Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 95, 681-696
- Salvadori A, Grazioli D and Geers M (2015), "Governing equations for a two-scale analysis of Li-ion battery cells", International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 59, pp. 90-109.
- Salvadori A, Grazioli D, Geers MGD, Danilov D, Notten P, (2015), "A novel approach in modeling ionic transport in the electrolyte of (Li-ion) batteries", Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 293, pp. 892-911.
- Salvadori A, Grazioli D, Magri M, Geers MGD, Danilov D, Notten P, (2015) "On the role of saturation in modeling ionic transport in the electrolyte of (Li-ion) batteries"," Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 294, pp. 696-710
- Salvadori A, Grazioli D, (2015), "Chapter 19 - Computer simulation for battery design and lifetime prediction", Advances in battery technologies for electric vehicles, Edited by: Bruno Scrosati, Juergen Garche and Werner Tillmetz
- Bosco E, Kouznetsova VG, Coenen EWC, Geers MGD, and Salvadori A (2014) “Multiscale computational homogenization-localization modelling of microscale damage towards macroscopic failure: describing non-uniform fields across discontinuity.”, Comput Mech, Vol. 54, 299–319
- Salvadori A, Bosco E and Grazioli D (2014), "A computational homogenization approach for Li-ion battery cells. Part 1 - Formulation", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Vol. 65, pp. 114-137.
- Salvadori A and Fantoni F (2014), "Weight function theory and variational formulations for three-dimensional plane elastic cracks advancing.", International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 51, pp. 1030-1045.
- Salvadori A and Fantoni F (2014), "On a 3D crack tracking algorithm and its variational nature.", Journal of the European Ceramic Society. Vol. 34, pp. 2807-2821.
- Bigoni D, Carini A, Gei M and Salvadori A (2013), "Foreward - Special Issue Dedicated to IUTAM Symposium Fracture Phenomena in Nature and Technology 2012", International Journal of Fracture. Vol. 184(1), pp. 1.
- Salvadori A and Fantoni F (2013), "Minimum theorems in 3D incremental linear elastic fracture mechanics", International Journal of Fracture. Vol. 184(1), pp. 57-74.
- Salvadori A and Giacomini A (2013), "The most dangerous flaw orientation in brittle materials and structures", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 183(1), pp 19-28
- Salvadori A and Schanz M (2013), "Editorial - Special Issue Dedicated to IABEM 2011", Computational Mechanics. Vol. 51(4), pp. 375-376.
- Salvadori A, Wawrzynek P and Ingraffea A (2013), "Energy dissipation in the mixed mode growth of cracks at the interface between brittle materials", International Journal of Fracture. Vol. 181(2), pp. 257-271.
- Tavara L, Mantic V, Salvadori A, Gray L and F. P (2013), "Single-Domain Cohesive-Zone-Model Formulation and Implementation using the Symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Method", Computational Mechanics. Vol. 51(4), pp. 535-551.