International Cooperations

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In our research we strive toward cooperation with international institutions. Agreements, scientific discussions, interactions, and student exchanges have been pursued with prestigious international institutions and companies. Among them, we acknowledge - in alphabetical order:

L. Banks-Sills, Tel Aviv University, Israel;
J. Berger, Colorado School of Mines, USA;
A. Bower, Brown University, Providence, USA;
M. Geers, P. Notten, D. Danilov, TU/e, the Nederlands;
A. Ingraffea, P. Wawrzynek, D. Warner, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA;
E. Lara-curzio, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA;
J.B. Leblond, UniversitŽ Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France;
V. Mantic, Universidad de Sevilla, SP;
S. Mogilevskaya, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, USA;
K. Matous, Notre Dame University, USA;
R. Mc Meeking, University of California at S. Barbara, USA;